Featured Member: Christina Macro Overcame Her Fear of Failure

Christina Macro didn’t let fear of failure hold her back from striking out on her own.

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From Employee to Entrepreneur

I was tired of working hard for someone else’s benefit. I started my own full-time real estate practice in 2001 with nothing but a phone and my smiling face. I had no budget for marketing, operations, sales or promotions so I worked very hard at creating opportunities to work with buyers and sellers and built my real estate business from scratch to $10m my first year.

After 18 award-winning years as a broker, I am now consulting and mentoring agents and high-minded business people to great things in real estate and leadership development. As President of Macro Strategic, I use my skills in real estate, leadership development, creating cohesive teams, developing new business models, marketing, branding, customer acquisition and retention, business planning and business development to help others find success.

Stay Focused

Clarity is it. Getting clear on what you want without getting caught up in the details of how. Just create clarity around your goals and develop actions that will get you there. Time on task over time builds results so meet yourself where you are at and take it one step at a time.

I love being integral in the growth of another human being. The experience of being a big part in someone else’s success drives me every day. The challenge is that sometimes others don’t see the greatness within themselves and it becomes a roadblock for my abilities to support growth and success. It’s a mindset issue.

Future Plans for Growth

Building my new real estate brokerage from 4 people to over 100 professional, business-minded, successful, cooperative, collaborative, intelligent people who want the small boutique brokerage concept but on a national scale. This is through my coaching and leadership development value proposition.

To help me achieve my goals, I am networking with some incredible women at IAW who are helping to connect me with others like them! My advice to other members: Get involved. Be present. Participate.

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