Featured Member: Kate Gory

After reflecting on her 20 years in financial services, Kate Gory felt it was time for a career where she could impact many businesses, not just one. “I wanted to work with a lot of companies, large and small, to help them at their moments of transition whether that’s M&A, significant regulatory change, or large transformation efforts,” she explained. “At the same time, I knew I had to continue developing people. So, I decided to reserve my pure coaching availability for fellow neurodivergent leaders.” 

Her passion for coaching others led her to found GBT Solutions Ltd., a boutique consulting firm helping leaders and businesses navigate transformation at all levels. Kate’s services include executive coaching, business consulting, and executive training. As a neurodivergent leader herself, Kate personally understands the extraordinary advantages and unique challenges of the corporate landscape. 

“I’ve navigated the corporate world, rising to senior leadership at a Fortune 200 company and leading teams of 200 plus. Along the way, I’ve learned to embrace my unique perspective and transform perceived limitations into strengths.”

One piece of advice she wants to offer other business leaders is to truly know yourself and find a mentor or coach as early as possible in your career or entrepreneurial journey. Kate had a business coach of her own, Nicole Walters, who was fundamental in her success as a leader. “Nicole Walters is authentic, unapologetic, successful, and supportive – in a sorta tough love way. She absolutely not only inspired me but gave me the skills I needed to succeed,” she said.

“Simone Biles doesn’t do it without a coach and we shouldn’t either. If you’re neurodivergent, build the mechanisms to identify and manage things ahead of time so you don’t get to a state of burnout.” 

Her business coach is not the only one supporting her success. GBT Solutions Ltd. has a team of experts who dedicate their time to uplift clients. In the future, Kate hopes to take her coaching to the next level by hiring them full-time. “People are at the heart of everything I do. I have a team of experts begging to work with me, and I can’t wait to have them all fully employed. Not just because I care about their success, but because I know the change they can drive for our clients.” she said. 

Kate also plans to expand her clients to neurodivergent leaders who are underemployed or unemployed. She wants to design a learning and development program to remove barriers that keep excellent neurodivergent professionals from leadership positions. However, her challenge as an entrepreneur right now is spreading the word about GBT Solutions Ltd. 

“I know I am the best transformation consultant they just haven’t heard of and that plenty of companies need my help,” Kate said. One way she is finding new visibility and connections is through her membership with the International Association of Women (IAW). “IAW gave me a community and the support to continue developing my skills as I stepped into entrepreneurship,” she said. “The learning and development is key, but the community might be even more critical.”

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