Featured Member: Dr. Nekeshia Hammond

From the moment  Dr. Nekeshia Hammond stepped into her private practice, she saw her perspective of the mental health industry permanently alter. “Witnessing this amplified demand, I felt compelled to broaden my efforts beyond clinical practice,” she said. As a result, Dr. Nekeshia expanded her work into public speaking, media consultations, and community initiatives allowing her to step beyond limiting standard methods of mental health services. 

Since her realization, she has served on the Florida Psychological Association as President, led the Board of Directors for the Ryan Nece Foundation, and was featured in NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, Essence Magazine, and more. Dr. Nekeshia became a highly sought-after expert as her continued passion for mental health and advocacy resonates with a broad audience. 

“As I continue on this path, my commitment to empowering individuals and fostering a greater understanding of mental health remains unwavering. By fostering a culture of self-awareness and proactive mental health care, we not only uplift individual lives but also contribute to the collective well-being of our community. Together we can create a more compassionate and supportive environment for all.” 

Her drive to expand her reach stemmed from her relationship with her late mentor, Yusuf Salaam. He helped the potential within Dr. Nekeshia shine through and guided her during the earlier stages of her career. “Though he may no longer be with us, Yusuf’s legacy continues to inspire me to strive for excellence and to seek opportunities to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. He will forever remain a source of strength and inspiration as I continue on my journey of empowerment and transformation,” she explained.

Dr. Nekeshia’s goal for the future is to strike a balance between professional pursuits and her family. She aspires to educate millions on enhancing mental health awareness and to cherish the moments with her family as a commitment to growing every aspect of her life. “As women, we understand the delicate balance between our professional aspirations and personal fulfillment. It’s in honoring both that we truly unlock our potential and lead lives of purpose and authenticity,” she said.

Fostering a community with other professionally driven women like herself drew Dr. Nekeshia to the International Association of Women (IAW). “IAW is a vibrant community where like-minded women come together, united by their ambition and shared goals,” she said. “It’s a space infused with positivity, encouragement, and empowerment—a place where women uplift each other as they strive for greater heights.” 

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