Featured Member: Kyra Mitchell Lewis

The pandemic lockdown drastically altered many lives, but for Kyra Mitchell Lewis, it was a catalyst for launching a new, transformative chapter in her career. “Like many, in 2020 our lives changed,” Kyra said. “That year changed my approach to everything in my life. It taught me to search for joy not just happiness, that it’s okay to not be okay, and to take more risks as tomorrow is never promised.”

The first major shift for Kyra was prioritizing work-life balance. The new remote working environment allowed her to take necessary breaks, significantly improving her mental health and enabling her to spend quality time with her family and dog, Max. The second shift was establishing her business and podcast Glow Up, Gyrl. Kyra had always been fascinated by storytelling and the opportunity marketing offered to tell brand stories. She created Glow Up, Gyrl as a dedicated space for women to find support, resources, and inspiration to achieve their ultimate personal and professional glow-up. 

“One thing that has always been extremely important to me is creating opportunities and spaces for women to be celebrated, cheered on, and provided with resources that inspire them, ultimately a place where they can connect with women like them.”

Her business offers women a YOU-volution, a guiding hand during their journey of self-development and personal growth. It includes curated content such as career advancement tips, coaching, affirmations, self-love checklists, and more. Additionally, Kyra’s weekly podcast shares empowering stories from guest experts and practical tips. “What I find rewarding in my business is hearing from women how a guest from my podcast or a piece of content inspired or motivated them to keep pushing,” she said. 

Her advice for other women starting their entrepreneurial journey amidst a full-time career is to not “be afraid to dream bigger, make mistakes, and start over. While you’re doing that, be sure to laugh at yourself. Without laughter, there can be no true joy.”

As Kyra continues to expand her business post-pandemic, she hopes to one day leave the corporate space behind and become an incubator for women who dream big to help them create their business strategy. Her career development plan included joining the International Association of Women (IAW). “I was interested in the opportunity to connect with women who have been on a similar journey, and learn from them to help me continue to grow in the future,” she explained. Kyra is eager to take advantage of all the member benefits and encourages others to connect with her. 

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