Today is International Women’s Day. At IAW, we’re celebrating the achievements of women but also thinking about how we can inspire women to achieve more.
Check out some of our favorite quotes below.
Contributed by Dwedor Morais Ford, Phd, Expert Storyteller, Professional Writing Consultant and President IAW Winstom-Salem, NC Chapter:

Contributed by Lynda McKenzie, IAW Membership Specialist:

Contributed by Tracy Collins, IAW Membership Specialist:

Contributed by Delora Hempton, IAW Membership:

Contributed by Marilyn Rader, IAW Membership Specialist:

Contributed by Elizabeth Fernandez Cuervo, Senior Marketing Manager:

Contributed by Talia Cardiello, Vice President of Operations:

Contributed by Rosalie Elliott, Founder of Designed4More and IAW Chapter President Inland Empire, CA:

Contributed by Megan Bozzuto, Senior Marketing Business Partner

International Women’s Day offers a great opportunity for us to all come together to support, motivate and achieve more.