Invest in Your Employees to Avoid Quiet Quitting

You might have seen videos online where people are encouraging others to quiet quit. Quiet Quitting refers to fulfilling your job description only and not going above and beyond. It means you clock in and out on the dot, don’t volunteer, and don’t participate in anything non-voluntary. Yet, employees still complete their work on time. The only difference is putting themselves first instead of the job.

While this may sound lazy, there are a couple reasons people commit to this ongoing trend.

Why is it happening? 

Some say quiet quitting is possibly a result of Pandemic stress and more individuals want to focus on their work-life balance. They are tired of the constant hustle mentality and are looking for a lifestyle change that values their needs over work. Others suggest it’s a fake trend made up by burnt-out individuals “desperate for a fresh vocabulary.” 

However, it’s more likely that people are re-evaluating their careers and taking their professional development into their own hands. Career growth used to be staying with one corporation and climbing up the ladder through the years. Now, it literally pays more to job-hop than stay with the company. A recent study found that employees who leave for a new job in the same field see a 20-50% pay increase compared to those who stay and receive a 1.3-4.5% pay raise. 

Simply put, employees aren’t settling for any organization that won’t value their needs or growth. They would rather coast it out until a better opportunity comes along. 

How to invest in your employees

Leaders and small business owners in any industry can avoid quiet quitting. All you need to do is invest in and value your employees. One key factor is to set up weekly or monthly check-ins where you tune into your employee’s needs, struggles, and desires. In those meetings, approach it with a serving mindset where you consider what you can do to help. 

During those conversations, there are a few areas you can discuss to invest in your employee:

Support their professional growth

Consider what goals your employee is reaching for and how your organization, connections, or experience can support them. Some questions you can ask yourself include:

  • Are there training programs they could enroll in? 
  • Are they slipping behind in their workload and needing help?
  • Should they consider finding a mentor? 
  • What tasks can be used as stretch opportunities for them? 
  • What experience would they need to put them in line for the next promotion?

Support them financially

Because so many people job hop for a salary increase, how can you provide them with financial support? It’s understandable that not every manager can invest in their employee financially, whether due to budgets or it’s approved by someone higher up. Yet, this shouldn’t stop you from being honest about the situation.

  • You can advocate and sponsor those who deserve increased pay
  • Be transparent about what the company can and can’t do for them
  • Understand no one wants an increased workload with the same salary
  • Work with employees to find a compromise

Support their mental health

A burnt-out employee will be more likely to quiet quit than one who has a healthier work-life balance. If you invest in their mental health and lives outside of work, then they will feel valued and cared for. Some things to discuss include: 

  • Remote or hybrid work options
  • Setting work communication boundaries 
  • Providing examples that show the value of their work
  • Create mandatory mindful activities/seminars 

Another way to support your employees mentally is by recommended group wellness retreats. If you are in the Houston area, then check out IAW influencer member Karla Aghedo‘s Houston Wellness Workshops for Women (H3W). She curates virtual and in-person wellness retreats, resources, recipes, and rescues in partnership with businesses and organizations who want to prioritize mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being for their employees, members, constituents, and clients.

Want more tips? Read more about impacting company culture when you’re not in management or find out what makes a company great for women on our blog. Or check out our weekly events for remote and in-person workshops on leadership.

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