Featured Member: Toni DeVol

Toni Devol was on the fast track to joining a prestigious management training program when the interviewer suddenly stopped her progress. She was in the home stretch of the interview process and confident her positions as the historian for her university’s American Marketing Association and Chapter President of the National Society of Minorities in Hospitality would lead to a path in sales or marketing.

All that was left was a personal assessment designed to match the candidate’s skillset to their potential role in the company and a final panel interview. Yet, after two questions a panelist made a biting remark; “You’ve identified yourself as a sales and marketing potential. That’s incorrect. According to your assessment, you’re destined to be a janitor.”

“I couldn’t continue the interview,” said Toni. “I couldn’t accept that label. I knew I wasn’t meant to be anyone’s janitor—not now, not ever. The rejection call from my recruiter afterward only solidified the company’s stance. It was as if I had never existed in their eyes.”

The experience had Toni rethinking if her path in hospitality was the right fit for her. She decided to change to healthcare, dedicating her newfound motivation to changing people’s lives. Today, Toni has achieved her leadership dreams as she is currently the Senior Project Manager at Conifer Health Solutions

One of the most rewarding aspects of her job is collaborating with her colleagues on innovative solutions for processes or procedures by putting on their “patient hats.” As she continues to work in an industry she loves, Toni hopes to be the kind of leader others choose because they recognize the value, trust, skills, and energy she brings that makes collaboration thrive. 

“My advice to other women is to recognize that leadership is rooted in ethics and morals. Identifying your values helps when you encounter the stickest of problems: one that is both adaptive and technical, the kind of problem you cannot receive an answer from AI using prompt engineering.”

Toni also advocates for community support as leaders define their values and overcome obstacles in their careers. Her transition after graduate school was supported by the community at the International Association of Women (IAW). The first webinar Toni attended demonstrated positive energy, valuable guidance, and a level of transparency she had not seen in other professional communities.  

She warmly welcomes other women leaders like herself into the community, encouraging them to “remember that our strength lies in connection. Dive into the extensive resource library, absorb knowledge like a sponge, and don’t hesitate to ask for help. Engage in calls and chat interactions with fellow members; discover how you can contribute to their success. Together, we break barriers and celebrate victories!”

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