Featured Member: Sally Allen

Sally Allen had always been passionate about leadership and development, but time and again, she witnessed a recurring issue: talented professionals being thrust into leadership positions with little to no training. She saw the anxiety in their eyes and the uncertainty in their actions, knowing that without proper guidance, both the managers and their teams would struggle. Determined to make a difference, Sally took it upon herself to start coaching these new managers. “I guided them through the transition, offering them the tools, strategies, and support they needed to thrive in their new roles,” she recalls with heartfelt passion. “They became more confident, effective, and capable leaders who could inspire and guide their teams toward success.”

After coaching new leaders in her company for a while, Sally realized she could make a much larger impact than those at the organization. “This conviction led me to make a bold decision; I quit my job and started my own coaching business,” she said. Today, her coaching business Sally Allen Coaching offers services for upper and middle managers interested in targeting imposter syndrome, conducting difficult conversations, networking, and developing emotional intelligence. 

“Now as a professional coach, I am committed to helping others unlock their potential and achieve their goals. My mission is to provide the guidance and support new managers and leaders need, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle their responsibilities and drive their teams to success. Through coaching, I aim to create a ripple effect of positive change, fostering stronger, more capable leaders who can lead with confidence and clarity.”

She has since expanded her business with a podcast and a book. Plus, Sally has become a sought-after speaker offering advice to other women leaders seeking career advancement. “You are more confident and capable than you often give yourself credit for,” she said. “Reflect on your journey—your achievements, challenges overcome, and the skills you’ve developed. You’ve been there, done that, and succeeded more times than you might remember.”

The next phase of her business is already underway as she hopes to launch a coaching app that streamlines the process. “This app will provide clients with easy access to resources, personalized action plans, and seamless communication, making the coaching experience more efficient and impactful,” she explained. A key component of this new app is the courses designed to address various aspects of professional development offering an interactive way to absorb knowledge at the user’s pace. 

Her passion for uplighting leaders and expanding her reach recently led her to find community at the International Association of Women (IAW). While Sally may be new to IAW, its impact on her career and business is profound. “To me, IAW represents a powerful partnership that amplifies women’s voices and supports their professional journeys,” she said. “Being part of this community has connected me with inspiring women leaders and has given me valuable insights and resources that enriched my coaching practice.”

Sally’s goal within the IAW community is to raise visibility for the collective achievements and demonstrate the positive change the IAW women drive across industries and nations. She encourages new members like her to take advantage of the resources and powerful connections. 

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