Featured Member: Anika Wilson

For Anika Wilson, the workplace was isolating. She felt like a unicorn in the room, undervalued, underrepresented, and underappreciated. It inspired her to break free from behind the unequal pay, and lack of flexibility for her disability to create a new path. Anika founded Nobody Greater, LLC, which offers business consulting, entrepreneur trends, toolkits, classes, and memberships.

“The most rewarding part of my business is helping a woman bring her vision to life,” she said. The success Anika’s clients receive after her help continues to reaffirm her choice to start a business. “My clients highlight the needs women entrepreneurs face while developing businesses, building effective business models, and maintaining focus without formal training. It confirmed my research and desire to follow my heart, not societal expectations.”  

Following your heart is one of the key pieces of advice Anika wishes to pass on to other women like her. She said, “Compare yourself, story, and business to NONE. You are your only competition, and approval is not needed for you to show up and show out as the authority you were created to be!” 

The future of Nobody Greater LLC continues to look bright as Anika aims to reach her revenue and employment goals, plus publish the three books she’s currently writing. Alongside her growth plan is the support she receives from her community at the International Association of Women (IAW).

“I have been a part of IAW off and on for over 5 years. IAW means empowerment, education, and belonging for women. It is a safe space to be amazing. Women are the answer the world has been waiting for. We are the heartbeat of the community. IAW is a circle of life. The community needs us to continue to lift while we break ceilings, walls, and leaky pipes.”

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