Featured Member: Laura Hearn

As a certified business and entrepreneurship coach, military spouse, and mom, Laura Hearn helps women build and scale their businesses with confidence. For nearly a decade of her career, she worked in the financial services industry. Laura focused on bridging the financial confidence gap through educational, transparent, and empowering strategies. Through this experience, she saw firsthand how cultural and societal pressures affect women’s mindset about money. 

Thus, she launched her business, LH Consulting LLC, with various programs, a podcast, and a blog tailored for women entrepreneurs. She is an expert in overcoming limiting beliefs, understanding ideal clients, and how to target/convert clients using the women’s way to sales. Laura’s advice to female entrepreneurs is “evidence and repetition of consistent results is the only way to reprogram a limited mindset to an abundance mindset. How you prove to yourself you are worth it matters.” 

One of Laura’s most recent accomplishments was speaking at LevelUp in Las Vegas. It helped her realize that her story was about overcoming adversity and how excuses are just excuses. The future for her company is to continue pursuing her overarching goal; “to guide fempreneurs as they build and scale heart-centered businesses. I also want to help them realize that not only can they rise, but they are worthy and deserving of happiness and fulfillment.”

Laura finds professional development for herself outside of her business through IAW. She found it “such a great opportunity to grow and develop as a woman entrepreneur and professional. I love that it isn’t just a social network platform but actually a platform filled with resources that work!” Some of her go-to IAW resources are the masterminds, masterclasses, and discussion panels. She encourages other women to take advantage of all of IAW’s opportunities and consider the Influencer membership for those who want to take their development to the next level.

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