Featured Member: Denise Cooper

Denise Cooper came to the crossroads many women face at some point in their lives, choosing between their careers or families. She was advising large-scale businesses on how to streamline operations and build teams. Except her aging parents required more support and care pulling her away from work more and more. 

“That’s when I realized a crucial gap. Most leadership programs weren’t designed for the unique needs of busy founders and CEOs in smaller companies. You wear many hats, and getting the right support can be a challenge.”

Denise shifted her target clients to small and mid-sized business CEOs and senior leadership, allowing her to balance work and family. Her business, Remarkable Leadership Lessons, provides strategies, lessons, masterclasses, and the building blocks to develop long-term solutions. 

“The most rewarding aspect of my work is witnessing the transformation of women leaders. Many come from employee backgrounds, and it’s exciting to see them embrace the CEO or C-suite mindset. This involves developing skills in delegation, setting boundaries, and fostering trust within their teams. It’s about learning to lead confidently, not playing the “good ol’ boys” game.”

What sets her apart is her 30 years of real experience translating complex leadership concepts into actionable strategies. This knowledge she collected over the years is something Denise hopes to share with the world in the future. She’s engaged with several mentors since starting her business and wants to contribute to a more global effort in reciprocating that empowerment for women leaders. 

One piece of advice she shared was to remember you are not alone. “Many women struggle with a lack of trust in other women,” she explained. “There’s immense power in acknowledging these challenges and working together to overcome them. My work is about creating a space where women can learn from each other and build a supportive network.” 

Denise embodies what she tells clients as she found a community of women at the International Association of Women (IAW). “Although it’s early in my journey, the questions asked of me, the support I’ve received, and the warmth of the IAW staff have been thrilling, inspiring, and relaxing all at the same time,” she said. “I know that may not make sense, but there’s something about how IAW works that’s different from other business groups, and most of that difference is the emotional support and accountability.” 

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