Featured Member: Jennifer Dawn

Jennifer Dawn turned a soured opportunity into the beautiful coaching practice it is today. The owner of a national network of women entrepreneurs invited her to run the accountability and masterminding circles, promising equity and compensation. While Jennifer’s talents tripled the organization’s revenue, the owner refused to provide the financial award she earned. 

“I was devastated and heartbroken and left the organization, but several women still wanted to coach with me,” she said. Fast forward to today, Jennifer’s coaching business offers workshops, retreats, a planner, a podcast, an agency, and more! She supports executives and business owners in developing leadership, time management, and productivity skills.

Building her thriving business took effort and adjustment, but Jennifer cultivated healthier work-life balance skills in the process. “It’s very easy for me to get caught up in the business and work 12-hour days until I’m a bit burned out,” she explained. “I have to set clear boundaries for myself to stay fresh and energized for my clients. The biggest reward is when I help a client move past a big obstacle or hit their goal. There’s nothing like it.”

Jennifer still charges ahead full steam as she grows her coaching team and improves the coaching tools. She recently released her book “The Apple Stand: How To Rekindle the Love for Your Business”

Besides building her business, Jennifer recently joined the International Association of Women as an Influencer. She is discovering the benefits of a global women’s network and checking out the weekly mastermind events. Her advice to women interested in joining is to “Jump in! Start connecting and using all the amazing tools.”

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