Featured Member: Victoria Sydorowicz Made a Bold Leap to Entrepreneurship

After nearly three decades of working at different companies, Victoria Sydorowicz made the bold leap to entrepreneurship and hasn’t looked back since

Following Her Passion

I spent 27 years in corporate America. Most of that time, I was at the officer level. I enjoyed coaching my finance teams to create huge wins for the companies I worked for. Recently, I took my business knowledge and talent for coaching people and followed my passion to strike out on my own. Today, I am the Business Owner of Jacksonville Executive Coaching.

I am a Certified Professional Coach as well as a CPA. My areas of expertise executive coaching, team coaching, business coaching and consultation.

Forge Ahead

I believe it is important to always be authentic. There will always be people who will say, “You are doing it wrong.” Don’t listen. Find your way but don’t lose yourself on the journey.

The most challenging part of my career, for me, is marketing. I never had to sell myself as a corporate employee. As an entrepreneur, this is most of what I do. The most rewarding part about my career is seeing my clients succeed.

Looking Toward the Future

My future goal is to work with large corporations. To coach their employees, executives and teams. I am new to IAW but look forward to the opportunities it will give me to network with other like-minded women.

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