Featured Member: Tracey Chew Helps Women Create a Life They Love

A certified Leadership and Mindset Coach, Tracey Chew helps others create a life they love

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A Natural

In 2009, I invested in a small land development company, hoping to grow my retirement fund. The CEO scheduled meetings with every new investor and asked me to help out in any way I could. I tried to show him that I was more of a metaphysical and spiritual girl, rather than a typical investor, and I openly told him about some of my latest workshops on mind over matter. He liked my enthusiasm and energy and invited me to provide a workshop to increase positive energy amongst the staff.

I thought about it for a few days and returned with an offer to provide 12 workshops over the course of six months. I wrote out the topics and he approved them and made the first six topics mandatory; the last six would be voluntary. Everybody came. I read books and created workshops that I presented at lunch time, every two weeks. At the end of six months, the CEO said I was a natural life coach and he hired me to continue coaching him and his executive team.

Over the past ten years, I have pursued training and certification in coaching and different modalities. I love being a company coach, helping out any of the staff who want support to reduce stress, improve performance and enhance communications and collaborations.

I am also the founder of TLC Mindfulness Mentor. As a Leadership and Mindset Coach, I help others with stress management, goal setting, and clearing any mental and emotional blocks. I am a mindfulness mentor, and use my skills to foster confidence and self-esteem, retrain the subconscious brain and create customized guided meditations.

Set Priorities

I encourage all women to slow down, pay attention and finish one thing at a time. We all multi-task by habit but when we do that, we expend too much energy in an unfocused way. Make a list; prioritize it; start with the hardest and most important one first; follow through to conclusion; and then tackle the next task. Some days may seem like we don’t get much done, but in truth, we are responding to a lot of interruptions and doing the best we can.

At the end of the day, I take inventory of all of the small things I did, as well as the items I was able to check off of my list. I remember every smile and kind thing I did so that I can see I made a meaningful contribution. When I feel good about myself, I show up as my best self. I need to keep my mind focused on the positive to keep me going at full speed.

Change Can Be Good

I find the most challenging part of what I do is to see people suffering and yet be close minded and resistant to giving the techniques I suggest a good try before giving up. It is hard to see people choose their familiar pain, rather than change.

The rewarding part of my career is to listen and see deep transformational change in the mindset and behaviors of clients who start to pay attention to their words and actions, and choose what is best for them, regardless of what other people think. I love hearing people put themselves first and have the courage to maintain clear boundaries.

One client is a 21-year-old male college student who just to told me he recently decided to love himself and stop apologizing for how he thinks and what he does and stop worrying so much about upsetting others. It was wonderful to celebrate his self-esteem and self-confidence and realize that his future is going to be so much better now that he has made that decision.

Importance of Self-Love

I am writing a chapter of a collaborative book about self-love and it will be launched in March 2019. In conjunction with that, I will be providing an on-line workshop on self-love. Then later in the year, I will get trained at the Heart Math Institute in Boulder Creek, CA, to do resilience trainings for large groups.

For my personal and professional growth, I have joined IAW. I am also a member of a group called Heart Ambassadors, and I am doing a year-long training in heart mastery. It is my dream to coach, train and influence the world’s most influential leaders in mindfulness, self-love and emotional intelligence.

IAW’s Many Benefits

IAW is getting me out of my home office and into the world, connecting me with other entrepreneurs and business women in a very supportive and inspiring way. My advice to other members is to go to meetings in person and online. Take advantage of the trainings and advisors. You are not alone, and you don’t have to re-invent the wheel. Reach out to your IAW sisters and ask for advice.

I am happy to talk to any IAW member and help them refocus their energy and strengthen their courage to speak up and contribute in a meaningful way. I live in San Jose, CA, and I work from my home office. Reach out any time to meet up in person if you are in the Bay Area.

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