Build a Mission-Driven Brand with Britney Crosson

This week on IAW’s podcast, Unlimited HERizons, host and president, Megan Bozzuto chatted with Britney Crosson about building a mission-driven personal brand on social media. Britney is the host and executive producer of The Social Sunshine Podcast, owner of Fun Love Media marketing agency in Huston, and the founder of Small Biz Social Society. 

Here is some advice she shared with Megan:

Brand Pillars

“Choose a few topics, an expert calls it brand pillars, that you want to talk about in your social media. Think about what is authentic and easy to talk about in person. You want one of those to be your career or business, but then your gonna add a couple personal touches…I used to talk about wine a lot because I love it so much and people would connect me with that. It’s just this conversation starter and a way to connect with people,” explained Britney. She recommends sticking with three to four topics to build the foundation of your brand.

Choose Your Content

It seems like everything you can think of is content. So, what should you use as your brand content. “It’s up to you what you choose to be content. If your thing is speaking and holding meeting, then you should be giving a tip of the day. Lean in to your strength. If that’s not your thing, that’s okay. You can go with a photo of you in your workplace to give a behind the scenes peek,” said Britney. Choose content that feels authentically to you and don’t force yourself to do something you are uncomfortable with.

Want to listen to Britney‘s full story and get more advice? Listen to Unlimited HERizons updated weekly with different amazing professional women telling their stories. All IAW members can connect with Britney Crosson in the IAW Community!

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