Featured Member: Bex Bassin

After following a more traditional career path, Bex Bassin felt burned out and unfulfilled. She was a successful fundraising and development executive with twenty years of experience, yet her heart wanted something more. “There came a point when my choice to stay ‘safe’ and successful (by other people’s standards) was no longer enough for me. So, I chose to step into my courage and finally listen to my heart’s desire,” she said. 

Bex took her first coaching course and immediately felt connected to the process. “I have loved every minute of learning through training, certification, and building my coaching business into what it is today,” she explained. “I inspire leaders to heal and thrive via playful interventions of mind, body, emotion, and energy so you can trust in & lead from your essence.”

She established her coaching business, Coach Bex, and earned a certification as a coach through the Co-Active Training Institute and an ACC with the International Coaching Federation. Bex offers her clients life coaching, leadership coaching, and human design chart analysis.  “I love seeing my clients soar, expand, find clarity, let go of limitations, learn to love themselves, and create the lives they desire,” said Bex. 

Inspired by the impact of play on learning, Bex created a coaching game to incorporate into her client sessions. “I loved creating this game and cannot wait to launch it. We learn faster through play and I’m delighted to offer people a playful way to engage meaningfully with themselves,” she said. 

“As a new member of IAW, I am refreshed by the empowering culture of women supporting women,” she said. “It’s beautiful to behold a culture of women lifting each other and learning from one another. I am delighted to be part of this group of inspiring women and am confident I will continue to reap the benefits of this community.”

Connect with Bex Bassin:

IAW Inner Circle



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