Featured Member: Kat Anstine Uses Her Expertise to Help Others Thrive

A highly successful marketing executive, Kat Anstine now uses her expertise to help others thrive and achieve their goals

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Love at First Sight

I’ve been intrigued by marketing and advertising since I was a kid but really fell in love with it in college. I was dedicated to working in various areas of marketing to gain a comprehensive and intimate knowledge base.

Today, I have more than 15 years of experience in the field of marketing. My areas of expertise include marketing strategy, marketing operations, branding, implementation and coaching. I started my career as an Account Manager, and later took on the roles of Ad Director, Marketing Manager, General Manager, Agency Director and, eventually, Chief Operating Officer of a marketing CUSO (credit union service organization).

Today, I am Founder of and Chief Growth Officer at Bound For Growth, a full-service marketing company that focuses on helping nonprofits succeed.

Tips for Success

Using my skillset, I focus on helping others better self-manage, improve interpersonal communications, empower others, create growth opportunities, set one’s self up to succeed, formulate marketing goals and metrics, optimize marketing strategies and report marketing performance. For more tips on achieving success, check out 20 Strategic Marketing Questions on my blog.

Challenges and Rewards

Every company is a living and breathing brand that can change in an instant and cause problems in perception. And, while it can be challenging to help these companies overcome certain obstacles, it is extremely rewarding to see marketing departments become more efficient and, ultimately, effective. Being part of positive change is most fulfilling for me.

Future Goals

As I continue to grow Bound For Growth, I hope to onboard seven more new clients in this first year of the company launch. Supporting marketers (through associations and partnerships) by contributing via speaking engagements, webinars and blogs is a goal, as well as mentoring others to aid in their personal and professional development.

IAW Perks

This is my first year with IAW but I’ve had some health issues that have prevented me from full participation. Nevertheless, it has introduced me to other professional women in the local area who want to continue to learn and grow. I’ve appreciated and used the organization’s perks for various aspects of my business.

I encourage other members to join a Local Chapter, attend monthly meetings, engage with the Chapter via social media and keep an eye on the perks.

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