Featured Member: Lynne Wadsworth

After years of chasing diet fads, hormone imbalances, IBS, and constant fatigue, Lynne Wadsworth decided to make some changes. “As nasty as all of that was, this was the worst part: the weight kept creeping on, the wrinkles were getting deeper, and the mid-life hormones were kicking in,” she explained. “At my lowest, I hated looking in the mirror. What I saw there made me feel old, fat, depressed, and hopeless. I became very interested in what I could do naturally to change my weight and health.”

Her interest in a more holistic lifestyle led her to become a Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Board Certified through the American Association for Drugless Practitioners, and a Certified Wellness Cooking Instructor. The transformative experiences during her education inspired Lynne to start a coaching business, Holistic Health & Wellness, LLC, to help women navigate their mid-life and beyond. 

“My expertise involves working with women over 40 who are tired of the changes they see, feel, and experience daily. I help them achieve a higher level of health, allowing them to live daily with more energy, less belly fat, fewer mood swings, headaches, sugar cravings, and experience healthy, sustainable weight loss – without deprivation, starvation, and most importantly, in a judgment-free zone. Living in health and wellness touches many areas of our lives, not just with diet and healthy eating, but I approach coaching from a holistic perspective.”

Lynne supports her clients through a variety of services, including a monthly mentorship program, one-on-one health/life coaching, wellness classes, and webinars. “It doesn’t matter what stage of life you are in,” she said. “It’s never too late to change your habits and start a healthier lifestyle so you can enter the more mature years of your life with good anti-aging benefits from the inside out.”

As Lynne works to expand her business, the community of women at the International Association of Women (IAW) supports her short and long-term goals. As an Influencer member, she accesses exclusive events, resources tailored to her goals, and a robust network of other entrepreneurs. “I love the community of women who are strong and empowered, and the support and encouragement is just what I need,” she said. “Tune in to as much as you can. There are always lessons to learn and connections to make, but first, we need to participate.”

Connect with Lynne Wadsworth:

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